Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (415 - 417 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3120 Transfer list does not scroll to bottom after starting new Alexander Schuch glhkok

FZ opens with previous transfer list positioned at top.

When starting a new transfer, it looks like nothing happens because the list stays at the top, and does not scroll to the bottom where the new started transfer progress bar is visible

#3135 Missing PHP Alexander Schuch michaelav

Windows XP SP2 Filezilla 3.0.0.-beta7

Under the open a new preference, you specify a list of langs to default the open window to. I did not see PHP. It was hard to search being they are not in alpha order but I do not believe it is there.


#3138 Losing Remote Site Directory During Uploads Alexander Schuch foxtail22

Running 3.0 b7 using passive mode. MTU=1492, both client and server are behind Linksys NATed routers(use external IP feature is great). Ports are forwarded on both ends. Client=XP Media. Client is on 3000/250 cable, server is on 600/6000 DSL/PPPoE. Server is DLink DNS323(Unix L8)

I have seen this twice. While uploading folders containing 15 to 30 - 50-150K JPGs files to the server, the remote directories disappeared and the message "not connected to any server" appeared. The up load continued and completed successfully each time. Refresh would not show directory. Had to disconnect and reconnect to see folders and files.

Batch Modify
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