Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (415 - 417 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1715 remote file date ndastur

Is it possible to keep the modified date of a remote file the same as the file on the local system. At the moment I am having to touch -t all files on the remote system.

#5603 fixed remote directory listing failed [bug ?] eric


i've a strange behavior with one ftp server : the authentification is OK but the remote directories listing is failing with a MLSD 500 command and an ? answer... resulting in a Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing.

The same operation is OK with winscp and the command-line ftp client started with cmd in windows.

Filezilla client :

#3878 rejected remote directory listing display problem Elim

I had 2.2 for very long and now am tring the new version. My remote directory contains some chinese named files and all become not readable.

My old 2.2 version is ok on this aspect.

I noticed that my local directory list is ok even there are chinese named files. The problem is the remote directory display.

My remote server os is linux. It handles chinese ok for my old filezilla 2.2

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