Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (415 - 417 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3769 rejected Wrong file size in dir listing ueser999

The real size of a file is 7746463744 bytes but filezilla shows a size of 3451496448 which is exactly 4*29 bytes less. Seems that file-size handling is only 32bit somewhere.

#4124 outdated Network mapped drivers do not show volume label udi

Several users had requested to have the mapped network drivers [like Y:] display the whole volum labe in the Local folder window and not just the letter [y:(data) ] or have an option to swith the local folder path to UNC standart

#8266 wontfix Cannot upload files - error 552 disk Full u501037784

User name u501037784 FAILED attempt TO UPLOAD FILES to host

Error message: Command: STOR Crisis.html Reply: 552 Disk full - please upload later

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