Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (409 - 411 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#972 remote tree window not saved Alexander Schuch doolyo

Each time I run Filezilla, the remote tree window is disabled. I have to click on the button to display it every time. It would be great if this would come up by default (both tree windows), and if those button states (window displayed or not) would be saved so that at next run it would come up like chosen previously.

#3228 remote symlinks displayed as "folder" tremby

if a file on the remote server is actually a symbolic link, it is displayed as a directory: the directory icon and filetype "Folder". doubleclicking on one of these remote symlinks then attempts to get a directory listing of that file and unsurprisingly fails.

however, putting functions flawlessly (the target of the symlink is updated). i haven't tested getting as far as i know.

this is filezilla 3.0.0 (binary downloaded by filezilla 3 beta's update function) on fedora core 6

<tremby@tremendo:~>$ uname -a Linux tremendo #1 SMP Tue Aug 21 18:29:10 EDT 2007 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

#3105 remote site Alexander Schuch przytulaguy

I have beta 5 installed

  • when selecting files from local site, they could be dragged/dropped to remote site. This can not be done anymore. Right click - upload
  • when transferring selected files - the panel : remote site gets blanc and not refreshed
  • site manager : there used to be an arrow next to the icon-that would allow you to connect to remote server, without opening site manager

Best Regards, Guy Przytula

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