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Results (409 - 411 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12106 rejected Hide file/folder view Xinnony

Hi, it's possible to add a option for hide the left panel ? I always use drag&drop for transfer my files.

(I know i can hide tree folder but i need to hide file view panel in left)


#12103 invalid JPEG files not display in FileZilla list on web server Timothy

My website is still uploading JPEG files from our employees and the website still displays the JPEG files. However, after 1/14/20 FileZilla no longer displays any JPEG files even though I know these files exist on the webserver. This prevents me from backing up JPEG files since I cannot see them through the file viewer.

I am using version 3.43.3

#12102 rejected SFTP uploads to Cerberus Server of 1GB+ fail Rapidity

Our clients cannot upload large files to our Cerberus server v11 - anything 1 Byte over 1GB from a fileshare fails. Connection seems to reset and FZPro thinks the file is already there and asks to overwrite etc. If the file is on the computer local to FZPro the transfer works.

As far as I can tell this issue started with v3.46.1 – 3.46.0 worked OK. Issue happens with older versions of Cerberus too – tried a rolledback version of our server using v10 and the same issue.

A quick fix is to turn FileZilla's default connection timeout of 20 seconds off but our client does not see that as an acceptable solution (their users are prevented from making changes in the client - they are a financial institution).

Logs attached of a failed transfer (filezilla20sectimeout.log), a successful transfer (filezilla20sectimeout) and the corresponding Cerberus server log. File used was a 4GB Windows 10 installer – tested the successful upload by downloading it and doing an install from it.

Filezilla version is Filezilla Pro 3.46.3 and Cerberus version is on a fully patched Windows Server 2019 AWS instance.

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