Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (406 - 408 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#807 "Use multiple connections"-setting Alexander Schuch ultrasick

If you remove the hook in the menu "Queue"->"Use multiple connections" and enter the settings menu after it "Edit"->"Settings..."->"File transfere settings" the hook at "Use multiple connections to transfere files" is still there. If you click "ok" now, the hook in the menu will also be there again and the programm will use 2 connections again.

#10186 worksforme Multiple issues with latest build - Can't edit files - Can't connect to servers Thomas Black

Hello FZ team,

This latest build is not quite right. Have never had issues with anything before.

#1 - Constantly have to close and re-launch FileZilla to avoid "couldn't open filename.ext" errors when editing files locally.

#2 - When connecting to server fails there is no error message / indication. It just acts as if you never attempted to connect

Thanks for all you do, Thomas

#4832 rejected FTP Client does not list directories Ulisses Lima

FTP Client does not list directories in Sambar Server version 5.2.

Status: Decidindo o endereço do Status: Conectando com Status: Conexão estabelecida, esperando a mensagem de boas vindas... Resposta: 220-Sambar FTP Server Version 5.2 Resposta: 220 Your FTP Session will expire after 900 seconds of inactivity. Comando: USER advanced-eng Resposta: 331 Password required for advanced-eng Comando: PASS Resposta: 230-Welcome to the Sambar FTP Server Resposta: 230 OK Comando: SYST Resposta: 215 UNIX Sambar Server Comando: FEAT Resposta: 211-Extensions supported Resposta: AUTH TLS Resposta: PBSZ Resposta: PROT Resposta: 211 END Status: Conectado Status: Recuperando a listagem de pastas... Comando: PWD Resposta: 257 "/" Comando: TYPE I Resposta: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary Comando: PASV Erro: O tempo da conexão se esgotou Erro: Failed to retrieve directory listing

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