Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (400 - 402 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3079 UI: Can't drag and drop from local site to remote site Alexander Schuch clockwerx

You can't drag and drop items between the server and local, local and server.

I'm reasonably sure you could do this in Filezilla 2

Expected: You can drag and drop items to initiate file transfers.

#3085 Crash connecting to FileZilla Server in VMware Alexander Schuch wadebrainerd

I wanted to use FileZilla Client & Server to transfer files between my VMware Workstation host and virtual machine, since VMware's own file sharing is horribly slow!

I first tried the FileZilla 3 beta, and it crashed connecting to the server.

Here are the steps I took:

1) Install VMware on host machine.

  • Download VMware workstation 30 day trial.
  • Create a new Windows XP VM (I used 1GB RAM of my 2GB).
  • Use NAT (not bridging) for the network, inside the Virtual Machine Network properties in VMware.
  • Install Windows XP.
  • Install FileZilla 3.0 beta client in virtual machine.

2) Install FileZilla Server on host machine.

  • Add one user, with a password.

4) Connect to the server from inside the VM.

  • Run ipconfig /all to get the host's IP address.
  • Open FileZilla 3.0 beta.
  • Create a new server in the connections list, specify the username and password.
  • Click Connect in the connections list dialog, FileZilla crashed.

Hope this helps!

#3087 Last local site information lost on startup Alexander Schuch brian-b

The last place saved (local site) is lost upon startup. For example, if I am FTPing from c:\ftp\out, when I restart, it will show back up as C:\Program Files\FileZilla\resources\cyril\32x32\.

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