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Results (400 - 402 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#401 APPE corrupts my work bardware


I want to use FileZilla to upload Files to a Server. I want FileZilla to insert Files to the remote Filesystem that does not exist on the Server so far. FileZilla asks me how to handle Files on my sytem that are older on the server. What FileZilla does not ask me - and does wrong - is handling files with an identical timestamp on my PC and the Server. I transfer ASCII-Files. On my system a linebreak is stored with 2 bytes. The remote system stores one byte per linebreak. It strips off the extra byte automatically, thus making the file shorter. FileZilla on an update of the whole directory structure recognizes the identical FileDate and the different (smaller) filesize and thus thinks it has to APPEnd extra bytes to the file on the server. That's why I'd call "motherfucking bullshit" ;-) It does not malke sense at all. My ASCII-files are PHP scripts that now become unparsable by PHP and screw up my whole system. It took me 3 houres yesterday (Sunday evening) to figure this error out, finally delete all files on the server and upload them wholly. So please change FileZilla that it works in a way it does not automatically corrupt my scripts.

Thank you, Bernhard

#402 Client: Timeout while waiting for dir list = fail, no retry blujay

If FZ gets a timeout while waiting for a directory listing, it fails and then sits there doing nothing. It should reconnect and retry the directory listing.

This is quite frustrating if you're trying to replicate a directory/file structure on a server. If the server is busy (or a piece-of-junk Windows server), and freezes up instead of sending the directory listing the first time, FZ will just fail and sit there. Then when you come back and notice, you have to delete the entire queue and start the whole queueing-up of files all over again. You waste time with FZ doing nothing, and more time downloading the same directory listings over again.

It seems like it should be pretty simple for FZ to reconnect and retry directory listings, just like it does with downloads and uploads.


#403 Client: Disconnect Not Detected, Directory Listing Fails blujay

This one should be pretty simple. Here's a log that should pretty much explain it all:

Response: 226 Transfer complete. Status: Download successful Status: Disconnected from server [When I returned, I dragged some directories from the remote pane to the local one to download them, then this...] Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD tutorials Error: Disconnected from server Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

So instead of connecting to the server, *then* sending CWD and proceeding to get the directory listings, it just failed and sat there.

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