Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (394 - 396 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#8467 worksforme Add "Computer" as new directory in Shared Folders TheRene

Missing the option to add "Computer" as a new directory in Shared Folders.

"Edit" -> "Users" -> "Shared Folders" -> "Add".

When in "Browse for Folder" window and choose "Computer" the "OK" option is greyed out.

#2879 Add "Default site" to Site Manager kalebgrace

Please bring back the "Default site" option to the Site Manager. This option allows a particular site to be selected automatically upon opening the Site Manager. This feature was in FileZilla 2.x. For more info, see 1792193.

#4272 rejected Add "Don't ask again" to "File has changed" popup window Levani

Every time after editing a file with my default editor and saving the file, it asks me over and over again upload the file back to server or not. I think it's rather unpleasant. Why not add one checkbox, which when checked automatically uploads the file without asking anything?

Sorry if this function already exits... :)

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.