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Results (394 - 396 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3024 Userinterface bug Alexander Schuch propin

Using the latest client version of Filezilla, if you upload a file to a location where you do not have any access the file is displayed in the remote directory list. But ofcourse the file is not uploaded and an error is trigged (critical transfer error).

This easily get one to think that the file was uploaded...


#3028 SFTP to VMS server doesn't work Alexander Schuch yeshua

When I SFTP to a VMS server, all directories show up as empty.

Trace logs indicate that OpenVMS's SFTP server lists directory contents as bare filenames, e.g.: Trace: JTEST.DSC;1 Trace: JTEST.DTA;1 Trace: JTEST.RMS$JOURNAL;2

FTP works.

#3068 Drag and drop not working Alexander Schuch mrsmiley18

This could be interpreted as a feature request, but this feature was working in the previous verions (v2.x series) and doesn't in the v3.x series.

Via the interface, you used to be able to drag and drop files between the remote and local views and visa versa.

Running on Windows XP Pro SP2, FileZilla 3.0.0-beta2

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