Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (394 - 396 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#395 hide Quick Connect Bar state l0basetom

When I hide the Quick Connect Bar, it shows up again whenever I go into Settings and hit OK (even if it is already unchecked in Interface settings).

#396 memory overflow when viewing directory anonymous

Using FileZilla server v0.8.5, windows 2000.

I just replaced Cerberus FTP server with FileZilla, so I already had a bunch of directories set up for FTP, full of stuff.

While adding users, I was assigning home directories. When the directory explorer window opened, I began expanding to get to the D drive.

My D drive has several directories, each with nearly 70,000 image files in them (sequential image upload from several webcams). I don't think FileZilla handled this too well.

I didn't think this would be a problem, because it shouldn't have been scanning for files, only directories. It froze just while expanding the D drive and never displayed any of the directories within it. After about 5 minutes of waiting I got a blue screen (my first time EVER under windows 2000, by the way) indicating a memory dump.



#397 Queue's Status Column Width Not Saved blujay

This has been around for a while. I was hoping it'd be fixed, but I guess no one reported or noticed it, so I think I will. :)

Pretty simple really, in the queue, the Status column's width is not saved. Every time I start FZ I have to reset it to not have a horizontal scroll bar.

Keep up the great work!

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