Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (388 - 390 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5649 fixed Filezilla client shows empty directory listing on remote site Lee


I am using Filezilla 0.9.27 beta as my server and having read some similar threads I have just downgraded my client to Filezilla from Filezilla - but the problem remains.

On the remote (server) site I have a Draytek router forwarding port 21 to my FTP server. When I connect from the local (client) site - the connection is initiated correctly and it says that I am connected, but in the pane on the right (remote site files) is showing <directory listing empty>. I have tried to log in fromt he local site using an IE browser window and it is also showing as empty.

To rule out port forwarding I have started Filezilla Client on my remote server and tried to connect to the local IP address - it connects and authenticates perfectly - but the "Remote" site listing is also empty!

Please can anyone give me any pointers?

#5650 fixed Alias don't work after a restart server or reboot


When im setting some alias, it's look like good.

But when i restart the server or i reboot my OS, it doesn't work.

If i go back to check the configuration, nothing have change...

If i delete the user and do the same configuration with the alias, it will work until i restart again...

Thank for the support !

#5651 fixed Large download "Time Remaining" goes to zero way too early T.K. Backman

When downloading a large file(15GB), the time remaining goes to zero way before the transfer actually completes(100MB left). (See attached).

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