Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (385 - 387 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2353 rsync support Alexander Schuch bagadat

your software is awesome... but i would love to request a feature that i believe would be very useful....

i believe filezilla should also support rsync protocol... the only reference i found to it is from #755621...

another thing that could be really nice is to have filezilla working on mac os x... its just a thought...


#4151 duplicate root dir sync local tgkprog09t

it would be nice to have a mode/ checkbox

so we can sync the local and remote ... when browsing directorys

so when we make a connection we specift that directory


refers to directory


then the GUI will automatically change the directory in remote when we change a directory in local (if it exists)

this would save time and a lot of missed uploads

of course there should be a easy way to switch this off for a session as someimtimes we need to delibrately put it on another directory - like when making an exploded back up ...

Let me know if u need further explanation .

i would donate $5 for this as am sure others would too.

ty who voted lets hope the developers see this and ask questions if they have clarifications

basicaly say

c:\webs\sel2in\ dir on local matches /public_html/ on my server

so if i change to c:\webs\sel2in\projects on my local pane in side Filezilla it knows to move to /public_html/projects on my server if it exists else prompt to make a new folder

and vice versa


#1187 rights upload problem kubiin

I use Filezilla server 0.9.19 (I have installed the lastest version today) and Windows XP pro. I have two accounts. Admin a Power User. I installed filezilla as admin and I use it in Power user account. Sometime when somebody upload me a file, I don't have right to delete it from my disk. I need to login as admin and delete it.

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