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Results (385 - 387 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#7310 invalid UPVC Windows Einnor Rivera

UPVC Windows - How To Make Sure That You Are Safe With Your UPVC Window

There are really some things that are not yet safe to have today. It is also very observable with those windows that are coming out now. Having UPVC windows might be the right one for you to have. Actually, there is not only one type of window but there are in fact many of them. That is the main reason that you must be very particular on the types of windows that you are getting.

You do not need to make some worries on how you can be able to get the best type of window because there are in fact many of them. But if you really want to have the perfect one, then UPVC windows are the most recommended windows that you must have. But behind this good ideas of a upvc window, you must also be very careful on having one because there might be some which can't be a safe one for you to have.

#12707 duplicate Local file monitoring intermittent or not working at all. File has change doesn't work/show up Marko Radulovic

Two days ago, I updated the FileZilla on the latest version, and the bugs with the File has change popup started immediately.

Nothing happens once I edit and save the file (from the server opened with FileZilla) in my IDE. It usually popup the File that has changed so I can click on YES and save it.

I figure it out that once I save the file, I go to FileZilla and click on Site Manager->Cancel; only then the File has change popup will appear so I can click on YES to upload the file to the server.

I'm attaching two videos on Google Drive to see the issue. In video, you can see that nothing is happening once I save the file on IDE and go to FileZilla, and in video, you will see what I do to trigger the File has change popup.

You can see the video on the following link:

I'm using the latest version of the macOS Monterey 12.3.1, PHPStorm, and FileZilla. (Also, I tried with Visual Studio Code, and the issue is still there).

This bug is giving me a hard time while I'm working. I'm hoping that you will treat this as an urgent issue.

Also, it would be great if you, in the meantime, give me the older version so I can switch it while you are working on the mentioned bug.

Thanks, Marko

#943 Unexpected behave with FTP-Proxy = transparent w/o User/Pass uprinz

If the FTP-Proxy is set to transparent but no User / Pass is provieded the client issues USER command even there is nothing to tell the firewall server. It would be better not to send the USER / PASS commands but just use the RemoteID@Remotehost without any other commands.

This would enable another class of FTP-Firewalls to be usable by FileZilla that just expect a connection request without any USER / PASS commands.

This solution will also improve the setup handling as it enables another version of firewall settings without adding another radio button.

Best regards, Ulrich

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