Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (382 - 384 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5603 fixed remote directory listing failed [bug ?] eric


i've a strange behavior with one ftp server : the authentification is OK but the remote directories listing is failing with a MLSD 500 command and an ? answer... resulting in a Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing.

The same operation is OK with winscp and the command-line ftp client started with cmd in windows.

Filezilla client :

#5607 fixed Site manager should copy default folders when copying site Rick Mabry

The SiteManager/Copy feature can be improved by actually copying all the settings of a site (or at least make that an option). At the very least, I'd be happy if the remote and local default folders were copied. This way one usually has choices of closely related sites that can be easily modified. Browsing from the root makes me feel dirty, so it would be nice if browsing for the local directory started at the copied folder.

Due diligence? I searched for copy+site+manager and found only these somewhat related tickets:


#5632 fixed Drag-Drop icon stays on destination window until termination Ken

When transferring files the drag-drop page icon stays on the destination window. There is one icon for each time a file/group is moved to destination with drag and drop.

The icon stays until the program terminates.

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