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Results (376 - 378 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2937 not a FXP client but like Alexander Schuch top_nullus


escuse me for my poor english.

I just want to tranfert automatically a directory an its sub-diretories from my first ftp server to my second ftp server, by pass my computer, because my servers don't accept FXP.

This is what I do manually : 1) I connect to my first server 2) I download a selected directory and sub-dirextories and files into a temporary directory in my local computer 3) when it's done I delete on my fisrt server the selected directory and sub-dirextories and files 4) when it's done I disconnect my first server 5) I connect to my second directory 6) I upload the downloaded directory and sub-dirextories and files 7) when it's done I disconnect my second server

Is it possible to do these 7 step automatically with filezilla ?

My mail is nospam.top_nullus-void@… without "nospam.","-void","remove-"

thank you

#2938 global and specific parameter Alexander Schuch top_nullus


escuse me for my poor english

when I use filezilla on internet, I can't download or upload more than one file at time.

when I use filezilla on intranet, I can download or upload more than one file at time.

each time I connect it's necessary to change setting\transfert\maximum silmutaneous number

is it possible to have a global or a parent properties for a group, and a private or child property in the group ?

thank you

My mail is nospam.top_nullus-void@… without "nospam.","-void","remove-"

#2939 On VMS, remove version number Alexander Schuch diara042

It would be very helphull if the (ej. ;2) version number is removed when transfering a file from Open VMS. At this moment when you transfer a file from VMS, it also transfer the version number as part of the whole name. This make impossible to detect in AUTO mode if the file is ASCII or Binary and also no association could be made on the Windows side unless you remove the version number.

Example File with version number: test.txt;10 File without version number: test.txt

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