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Results (373 - 375 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2918 shortcuts for remote directories Alexander Schuch frederes


Would it be possible to have shortcuts to remote directories in the site manager, like in CuteFTP ? It's really helpfull !

Thanks for your great job !!!

Best regards,


#2923 File and directory exclusions Alexander Schuch mathieu_b

It could be very nice to add file and directory exclusions for uploads.

For example, I work with SVN and I have a ton of ".svn" directories in my web projects. When I upload one to a FTP server, I would like not to upload the ".svn" directories and their contents...

I'd see a double option on a per-site configuration option as well as a general option.

#2933 Improvement suggestions for Site Manager "Sites" UI Alexander Schuch atticusthegreat

I'm running Filezilla on linux.

There are a few things I'd love to see improved with the Site Manager "Sites" UI.

  • I'd like to be able to make the sites viewing area wider or narrower on demand. Right now there is a fairly small space and it feels a little cramped, especially when I want to have longer names, or folder trees. Right now, it uses scrollbars, but I'd like to be able to change the size via drag&drop.
  • When trying to rename/delete/copy sites or folders, the keyboard shortcuts don't seem to be working. Pressing R or D or C will simply select the site that has those letters as their first letter. It won't actually delete them until I manually click the buttons.
  • I can't seem to drag&drop existing sites between folders. I can add a folder, and add a site to that folder, but I can't move sites between folders. I'd like it if I could add a folder, then move an existing site to that folder.
  • In the General tab, in the Logontype dropdown menu. I'd like to be able to type the first letter of the option I want and it automatically selects it (this is the standard html behavior). Right now, when you have the dropdown menu active, pressing N for 'Normal' doesn't do anything, but I'd like it to select the 'Normal' option, and so on.

Thanks for your time!

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