Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (373 - 375 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#8917 outdated search in files and folders and merging app ali

Filezilla is a really nice prgram. I think it needs a search and merging module very much.

#10167 worksforme search for files recursively ,,, mixed up "contain" and "does not contain" Stefan Scholze

Hello, within search function you have to select "does not contain" in order to find files that "conatin" specific characters within filenames.

therefore you have to select "contain" to find files that does not contain spoecific characters.

Regards Stefan


#2569 scroll wheel should scroll the window hovered cybot_tm

Scroll wheel should scroll the window hovered and not the window currently selected/active.

For example the cursor is above the directory listing but the path drop down is selected - using the scroll wheel should now scroll the directory listing and not the path drop down.

I think this would be the intended behavior - mouse should always act where it is positioned and not on the element with the current focus.

But i don't request to auto-switch the focus to the mouse hovered window. Focus should stay where it is.

A good example is the textarea form element handled in Firefox, scrolling the textarea or the window depends on the position of the mouse cursor and not if the text cursor is in the textarea or not.

And thanks for a great piece of software!

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