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Results (370 - 372 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2908 add right-click copy URL for remote files Alexander Schuch snoopyjc

Add a right-click "copy URL" (to clipboard) feature to remote files/folders. Associate a URL with sites/paths in the site manager and use this to compute the answer. This is the feature I miss the most from "Smart FTP Client". --joe

#2910 Lockstep Folder Navigation Alexander Schuch soapergem

GlobalSCAPE CuteFTP has a feature called "Lockstep Folder Navigation" that I would love to see implemented in FileZilla as well. When you navigate to a folder in one pane, the program automatically navigates to the equivalent location in the other pane. I'll give an example to explain better:

You connect to a server. The left-hand pane (your local machine) is showing "C:\Website". The right-hand pane displays the contents of the server, "/". Suppose that both contain a folder called "images." You double-click on the images folder in the left-hand pane, opening it, so now the left-hand pane shows "C:\Website\images". With lockstep navigation, the right-hand pane would then automatically navigate to "/images/", without requiring the user to click on the images folder in this pane.

In other words, it would detect that you navigated to a folder in one pane that has an equivalent in the other pane, and accordingly would open both. Similarly, if you were to double-click on the ".." folder in the right pane at this point, it would move up by one directory in both panes.

This is a time-saving, convenience feature--it's not a bug fix or anything critical--but it really is fantastic, and I hope to see it in future versions of FileZilla.

#2917 Favourite folders Alexander Schuch replika

It's great if FZ has somewhere to store favourite folders (quick folders), so that we can go quickly to some folders (both in Client and Server) that frequently used

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