Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (370 - 372 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#436 Local/remote details format discrepancies; local time bug Scott M. Sanders

Here are discrepancies in the list formatting of file and folder details and columns between local and remote lists (note that the local system is Windows XP Pro, and the remote is Unix runnning Apache):

Filesize: (Configurable, but the only one)


  • Local: One column named "Last Modified"; date

formatted m/dd/yyyy; time formatted H:mm t (?)

  • Remote: Two columns named "Date" and "Time"; date

formatted mm/dd/yyyy; time formatted H:mm

Filetype: Missing on remote list

Permissons: Missing on local list, even though Windows sets permissions, too (just not the same as Unix)

Also, note that the local time format is incorrect, using 24-hour time and the AM/PM variable.

I would suggest (if it's not in your todo already) making all file and folder details and list columns fully configurable for both local and remote lists, including selectable columns and formatting (like currently with filesize).

#437 files list is not updated in the local tree view cedriclevasseur

Here's the way to reproduce the bug :

  1. run filezilla
  2. browse a local directory, for exemple c:\TEMP using

the tree view.

  1. run the explorer, select c:\TEMP, create a new

directory called azerty (as you want)

  1. return to filezilla. try to refresh the tree by

double-cliking on c:\TEMP or c:\, but azerty will never appears Fortunaly, its appears when on the list view, you choose the parent directory (..) and re-select TEMP again. But even in this case, the tree does not refresh.

#439 passive mode problems anonymous

I have Filezilla server(0.8.5 beta ) set up behind my router. I'm forwarding a block of ports to it and I have Filezilla server set up to use those ports in passive mode.

When I try to connect with Filezilla client (2.1.9), I can connect, but the connection hangs on the "LIST" command. The PASV command returns a valid IP address and port combination (one of the ports I have forwarded).

If I telnet to the port indicated by the PASV command, I get the directory listing.

If I use WS_Ftp (or even IE 6 in pasv mode) I can get a directory listing just fine. LeechFTP however, hangs on LIST as well.

hanfeitzu a_t hotmail d o t co m

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