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Results (367 - 369 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5502 fixed Filezilla-server takes up to 100% CPU after setting per-user speed limit Levski Weng

I found a similar issue in filezilla forum:

Unfortunately, the bug hasn't been fixed because you can easily reproduce this phenomenon by the following step:

  1. Install the fresh filezilla server,create a user(assuming username is admin),set the speed limit to 2MB/s

2.Write a ftp client code to connect-login-download something from the server(follow the FTP RFCs)

3.After download complete, send 'QUIT' command to filezilla, and do *NOT* wait the server responses '226 Transfer OK' then close the socket, then reconnect the filezilla server again to download another file.(I know this step is not strictly follow the RFCs, but it's still a bug, right?)

In my test code, the CPU usage of filezilla goes up to 100% every 2 times.

#5503 fixed Classic theme is always changed to OpenCrystal after restart larsen255


I always used the "Classic" theme and after updating from 3.3.3 to 3.3.4-rc1 this was automatically changed to the "OpenCrystal" theme. I then changed it back to "Classic", but after a restart it was again "OpenCrystal".

This problem doesn´t occur when you use e.g. "Blukis" as a theme.

#5504 fixed Speed limit icon isn´t updated when changing themes larsen255

After changing the interface theme in settings, the icon bar icons are updated but not the icon for the speed limits.

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