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Results (367 - 369 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2871 thanks for your input Alexander Schuch olidel_36


You are right about the CHGFTPA command, but as you said it is annoying to change this parameter globally because in our case we have some other script which may rely on the default way that the AS400 list the directories informations. As you said, I guess it shouldn't be to difficult to at least let the possibiblity to a filezilla user to add some customized command that would help a lot.



#2872 add option to turn off automatic transfer of edited files Alexander Schuch clembibou

Dear Filezilla team,

  • In FZ2 the effect of double clicking on a file was configurable (Edit or launch file/Transfer); I may have missed it, but it seems that it is not the case anymore in FZ3, and I regret it.
  • It would be nice to add an option to launch the Site manager on startup (like in FZ2 again).
  • Although this could be useful for certain user, I find the automatic notice that a recently transfered file has been edited ("Do you want to update it ?") quite annoying. Would it be possible to add the option to turn the automatic transfer of edited files off ?

Thanks in advance and above all, thanks for this nice program !

#2877 Enable/Disable proxy usage on a per site basis. Alexander Schuch ballie01

When operating behind a firewall, there is a need to connect to sites that are both behind and outside of the firewall. It would be a good thing to be able to enable/disable the use of the FTP proxy on a site by site basis. Right now, you have to set the proxy to 'None' to connect to the internal sites and set it to the proxy to use to access sites outside the firewall. Unfortunately, setting the proxy to 'None' loses the custom proxy settings (which I have to use).

This feature I am requesting to add is:

All enabling/disabling of the use of the FTP proxy by site in the client.

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