Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (364 - 366 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#365 PASV mode not correct anonymous

When I set PASV mode for single connection then also LIST command must be performed in this mode.

This doesn't seem to be the case in current version (2.1.8b), and my connection blocks since my firewall allows only passive (outgoing) connections.

#366 outdated FTP upload to Xbox slow anonymous

Using FileZilla 2.1.4b, I can FTP files to Xbox normallyat a high speed, like several Mbps. Upgrading to FileZilla 2.1.5 and higher (I tried the latest 2.1.8b) the FTP uploads slow down to around 20-70K/sec. FTP downloads to PC are fast and it is just the uploads that are slow in later versions.

I am using EvolutionX and XBMP 2.4 as FTP server.

#367 Waiting to retry not working any more anonymous

With version 2.1.8b, a new bug has been introduced for my system : I have Error: Timeout detected! Error: Unable to connect! Status: Waiting to retry... (5 retries left) but nothing happens, I have to retry manually.

There is still another problem. When the program has tried too many times to upload a file, Reset status doesn't fix the problem as I have the same message, I have to exit, then ask for an upload.

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