Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (361 - 363 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2828 Feature Requests Alexander Schuch mwhdvm
  1. Make it possible on the local size to right-click on a file and select OPEN.
  1. Make it easier to save particular directories as individual sites (e.g. Favorites) for quicker navigation to specific places.
  1. Make it an option to write the settings to the Registry so that if the XML file gets corrupted, settings are not lost.

Thank you!

#2836 Filezilla sounds Alexander Schuch usernamedenied

Hello, I noticed that filezilla "beeps" when the connection fails, wouldn't it be good to add a sound when the connection is successful?

#2840 link local and remote file list Alexander Schuch korneel

The idea is to make a 'link' or 'lock' button which you can 'punch in' when you are in the same folder locally and remote.

When linked, if you change your folder locally, FZ changes the remote folder (if applicable) to the folder you chose locally. If remote is n/a the link gets severed and you get a message 'folder not found' or similar.

This could also work vice versa.

Would be very handy if you need to upload some files to a project in different folders (eg. css files, images etc.)

Would also be handy as a checkbox in the sitemanagement tool. 'link folders on connect'

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