Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (355 - 357 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#356 View/Edit: edit not working rickbeton

I tried to use View/Edit to download/edit/upload a file, but it didn't do the upload. I set up some associations such as

css C:\Program Files\Bradbury\TopStyle3\TopStyle3.exe html C:\Program Files\Bradbury\TopStyle3\TopStyle3.exe xml C:\Program Files\TextPad 4\TextPad.exe php C:\Program Files\TextPad 4\TextPad.exe

and the view function works fine.

But when I change the file, save it, then close the editor, the changed file is not uploaded.

#357 Remote dir refreshes to wrong dir with SFTP brianlmoon

sometimes after uploading the remote dir will change to the dir I was previously in when it refreshes. Doing a refresh before I upload will make it stay in the current dir.

#358 sftp:// URL parsing should fails if there is no password ressu

if i pass sftp://user@host/tmp to FileZilla (2.1.7) it claims that the URL is invalid. the URL in question is valid and generated by FileZilla itself, the URL works if i use sftp://user:@host/tmp

The password in this case doesn't need to be given as i use pageant (putty ssh-agent) which authenticates for me. (thanks to the putty based ssh backend)

FileZilla should accept urls in form of ftp://[user[:pass]@]hostpath instead of ftp://[user:pass@]hostpath

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