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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12248 rejected Empty directory listing when MLSD is used Luke Foley

Good afternoon,

I've been developing a small FTP Server for use in an embedded project, and have been using the FileZilla Client as my go-to client for testing each part of the project.

I've come across an issue where FileZilla Client shows "Empty directory listing" when using the MLSD command, but works OK if I disable MLSD support and it reverts back to the LIST command.

This issue is only present in the FileZilla Client on Windows. The same version of FileZilla on an Ubuntu machine works fine and directory listing works as expected for both LIST/NLST and MLSD. Additionally, other FTP Clients for Windows work OK when using the MLSD command, so I'm hesitant to believe it's the server that's at fault.

I've attached a copy of the log (in Verbose mode) for your review, although I can't see any errors myself.

Please don't hesitate to let me know if you need further information.

#12244 worksforme Access denied to local drive Heiko Spallek

Received "You do not have permission to list this directory" when in fact Filezilla Client was given Full Disk Access and Full Folder Access in the Preferences.

#12238 rejected Files or folders with umlauts (like ä, ö, ü) in the name are not copied. Schoelu

Automatically translated.

I wanted to copy all project files from the server to the local hard disk by copying the parent folder (public_html). It worked fine, except for the data which were labeled with "German" umlauts in the file or folder name. See enclosed screenshot.

Interestingly enough, there are no problems when copying, with direct dragging with the mouse from the web server to the hard disk or vice versa. Also the command "Download", after clicking with the right mouse button on the desired file, works the same way without problems.

Otherwise I would like to give your team an unbelievable big thank you for this great application FileZilla. Files or folders with umlauts (like ä, ö, ü) in the name are not copied.

I wanted to copy all project files from the server to the local hard disk by copying the parent folder (public_html). It worked fine, except for the data which were labeled with "German" umlauts in the file or folder name. See enclosed screenshot.

Interestingly, there are no problems when copying, with direct dragging with the mouse from the web server to the hard disk or vice versa. Also the command "Download", after clicking with the right mouse button on the desired file, works the same way without problems.

Antwort: New directory is: "/home/xxx/public_html/woerter/2017-09 - September" Befehl: get "Tokenübersicht.xlsx" "
DATENPLATZ\Webseiten\ssich\public_html\woerter\2017-09 - September\Tokenübersicht.xlsx" Fehler: /home/xxx/public_html/woerter/2017-09 - September/Tokenübersicht.xlsx: open for read: no such file or directory Fehler: Dateiübertragung fehlgeschlagen (Error: File transfer failed) Status: Starte Download von /home/xxx/public_html/woerter/2017-09 - September/Tokenübersicht.xlsx Befehl: get "Tokenübersicht.xlsx" "
DATENPLATZ\Webseiten\ssich\public_html\woerter\2017-09 - September\Tokenübersicht.xlsx" Fehler: /home/xxx/public_html/woerter/2017-09 - September/Tokenübersicht.xlsx: open for read: no such file or directory Fehler: Dateiübertragung fehlgeschlagen (Error: File transfer failed) Status: Starte Download von /home/xxx/public_html/woerter/2017-09 - September/Tokenübersicht.xlsx Befehl: get "Tokenübersicht.xlsx" "
DATENPLATZ\Webseiten\ssich\public_html\woerter\2017-09 - September\Tokenübersicht.xlsx" Fehler: /home/xxx/public_html/woerter/2017-09 - September/Tokenübersicht.xlsx: open for read: no such file or directory Fehler: Dateiübertragung fehlgeschlagen (Error: File transfer failed) Etc. …

Sorry, the switch to English for the protocol is time consuming, because a new download would take hours. Therefore a screenshot with an excerpt of the German protocol. Error message "File transfer failed" means translated "File transfer failed

Otherwise I would like to give your team an unbelievable big thank you for this great application FileZilla.

Translated with (free version)

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