Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (352 - 354 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5330 worksforme Ability to select protocol (server type) in QuickConnect Aredhran

I frequently have to work with FTPS / FTPES servers, and it would be a nice feature to be able to connect to these from the QuickConnect bar.

Currently if I try this, I receive the following error messages Response: 550 SSL/TLS required on the control channel Error: Could not connect to server


#2375 Ability to specify private key for SFTP connections cs96and

It would be nice if you could actually specify the private key to use for each SFTP connection. Having to use Putty's default key is completely counter-intuitive, and also means that if you want to connect to different servers using different keys, you have to keep changing Putty's key.

Cheers Alan.

#4150 rejected Ability to turn off "Operating system problem detected" message Rodney

Version 3.2.0 Windows XP 64-bit w/SP2

Each time on startup I get the "Operating system problem detected" message. This is very annoying. It should only appear the first time I run the program from a new install. After that it should not appear anymore.

At least add a check box to "Do not show this again."

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