Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (352 - 354 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2757 Site Manager - Select Entry Window Alexander Schuch tom537

The select entry window in the site manager is too narrow. If it could remember the width it was last stretched to, or if it defaulted to a wider window it would be better. As it is, it's too narrow to read the contents comfortablyand quickly, especially if there are nested folders.

#2761 Show/hide hidden files on local server Alexander Schuch stopsatgreen

It would be useful on Unix/Linux systems to have the option to show or hide hidden folders on the local server, as we do on the remote one. An option in the right-click menu and/or Ctrl+H would be perfect.

#2766 Open/open with... missing in Locallist Alexander Schuch danez

There is no option to Open a file in the contextmenuof the Locallist.

Also an button Open with... would be nice.

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