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Results (349 - 351 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#8679 duplicate Windows x64 version of FileZilla Server Maxime


I use often your product (FileZilla Server) and I think it's useful.

I'm technician and I also work with Windows PE.

With a x86 Windows PE, no problem. But with a x64 Windows PE, FileZilla Server can't run because it's not a x64 native exe.

With new computers and EFI, only Windows PE x64 can run, and because Windows PE x64 don't have the WOW64 subsystem, x86 exe don't run.

Please, do you plan a native x64 version, even alpha or beta ?

If you need it, I can be a beta tester.

Thank you ;)

#9758 rejected Transfer error in version Freisu

Hi, i installed FileZilla Client from the filezilla Screen today After Installation all of my Uploads failed with error message after reaching 100%. Filezilla shows an smaller target file size, perhaps 4096 but 1.566.348

Then i used another pc with an older Version of filezilla. After Connection I found the uploaded file with the full size on the target device. The file was OK.

#4472 fixed Sumary status onm selected files/directories is wrong if multiple selection is used Marco Freudenberger

The summary status on number of selected files / bytes is wrong (too many files) if multiple files are selected using CTRL, SHIFT+CTRL keys. once wrong, the status stays wrong until a single files is selected. Also the sum of file sizes is wrong. It looks like a file is calculated in two times if it was selected using CTRL+left mbutton if CTRL+SHIFT+left mbutton is pressed to extend the selection. The wrong behaviour exists both for local and remote file selections.

Example / how to reproduce:

  • Open a folder with 8 files of 1024 bytes each (just as an example).
  • Select the 1st file (left mouse button). The summary shows "1 file selected. Total size: 1.024 Bytes" [correct]
  • Select the 3rd file (CTRL + left m.button). The summary shows "2 file selected. Total size: 2.048 Bytes" [correct]
  • Extend the selection to include files 4+5, by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+l.m.button. There are 4 files selected. Summary shows "5 files selected. Total size: 5.120 Bytes" [WRONG !]

Example attached (see ..._ex1.png)

Additional info: The problem always starts when you use CTRL+SHIFT+MOUSE. e.g. select single file 1, CTRL+SHIFT+click file 5 shows "6 files selected", although only 5 are selected. if I continue to CTRL+SHIFT+LMB click alternating on file 1 and file 5 there are still only 5 files selected, but status grows by +5 files (and their size) everytime I do this.

Example attached (see ..._ex2.png)

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