Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (349 - 351 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2737 Calculated size of server, max capacity server, size uploads Alexander Schuch etms51

ADD the possibility to calculate when active the connection the maximum Size of the server that you have open, then would be pretty to add that when upload of the files and/or folders to calculate the dimension total of all the files upload, and to the end to calculate the occupied size.

Example if capacity of server =200 Mb when upload more files with files and folders and subfolders : calculate 20Mb. capacity server - size uploads = size empty for an another upload.

#2751 More flexible site manager Alexander Schuch fluxmaster

I've been using FileZilla for years and I'd become used to being able to move sites from one folder to another in the site manager window. On the lastest version this appears to no longer be possible.

When you only have a few sites it's not a problem but I'm dealing with nearly 170 domains each with thier own subdomaines on seven different servers and this was a feature that healped me keep them organised.

Can we have this feature back please?

#2755 let statusbar show total count of all/selected files Alexander Schuch romu0

in filezilla 2 there has been shown the total count of the files in a directory. in filezilla client 3 the total count of the files is not shown any longer. why?

this is very bad :)

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