Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (349 - 351 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#350 Changing password does not work. anonymous

I could not change my password. We have and AIX 4.3.3 server with OpenSSH. I enter my old password and my new password twice and all I get is a beep and the dialog goes away.

#351 Transfer Hang anonymous

Now sure if *hang* is the right word but I've been experiencing hangs or jams in transfers when using filezilla to transfer files from my local sun ultra60 server into my PC (Win3K SP2).

The proceedure that i use is to drag a large number of files say 40 or more from the remote window to the local window. Files vary in sizes from 200K to 2MB (max).

The transfer begins fine and transfers the file quickly. But after a number of transfers (the exact number seems arbitrary) the transfers in the queue slow.

A couple of seconds go by and then I get a dialog box saying that the file that I am trying to transfer is on my system already, has a size of 0 bytes and do I want to overwrite, skip, etc....

In some cases this continues for each file in the queue in other cases the connection seems to *wake up* again and transfers begin again.

Messages in the log window when this happens are:

command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I. Command: PORT xxx,xxx,xxx,81,9,25 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: RETR ASIN_one_seismic_u32 Response: 425 Can't create data socket (,20): Interrupted system call. Error: Download failed

I can sucessfully transfer the same files using other programs between these two systems (windows ftp, ncftp(v3.1.4), and cygwin ftp);

If I drag and drop smaller amounts of files 5~10 I haven't run into this, It only seems when I queue a large number of files 40+.


#352 UNC paths produce incorrect CD for GET/PUT hooptie

[I searched through the bugs; hopefully this isn't a duplicate]


When I try to GET/PUT a file from a server where the remote path is on a network share, the FTP client appears to translate server/share/dir/filename.ext to /server/share/dir/filename.ext when changing directory prior to the GET/PUT command.

Server Configuration:

  • Windows 2000 Server SP3; Cygwin 1.3.22-1; OpenSSH


Client Configuration:

  • Windoes XP; FileZilla 2.1.7



If you read through the thread, OpenSSH 2.9P2 had this problem and it had been patched. To isolate FileZilla, I used the OpenSSH and SecureFX client to try to reproduce the probem -- it only exists in FileZilla.

Connection Log:

Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connected with, initializing SFTP connection... Command: CONNECT hooptie@…:22 Response: Remote working directory is san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: Remote directory is san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents Command: LIST Response: Listing directory san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents Response: Sucessfully received 37 items Status: Directory listing successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CD Downloads Response: Remote working directory is now san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents/Downloads Command: LIST Response: Listing directory san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents/Downloads Response: Sucessfully received 26 items Status: Directory listing successful Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connected with, initializing SFTP connection... Command: CONNECT hooptie@…:22 Response: Remote working directory is san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents Status: Connected Status: Starting upload of C:\Documents and Settings\Hooptie\Desktop\Regional Command: CD /san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents/Downloads/ Response: Directory /san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents/Downloads: no such file or directory Command: CD /san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents/ Response: Directory /san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents: no such file or directory Command: CD /san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/ Response: Directory /san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie: no such file or directory

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