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Results (346 - 348 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#410 Increasing Conn. Count During Download Causes Re-LIST anonymous

If you increase the number of simultaneous connections while a queue is downloading, the new connections re-download a directory listing before starting to actually download files in the queue.

For example, I am currently downloading my site's old UBB forum files for backup. There are many thousands of files, totaling over 600 MB. I had it on two connections, but the files are tiny, so increasing the number of connections helps them download faster. The directory of the files currently at the top of the queue has many files in it, so the LIST command takes a long time for the server to process. When I increased the number of connections to four, the two new connections each ran LIST commands, instead of just downloading the next files in the queue.

In small directories this isn't a problem, but when downloading from directories containing thousands of files, this can add several minutes to the download time.

When I de-selected Process Queue, then selected it again, all four connections immediately started downloading files, without getting new directory listings.

This should probably be simple to fix. If the devs need any help tracking down this bug, just use my SF e-mail address.

Thanks for your work on FileZilla.

#411 View/Edit with Ultraedit zhapp

When you click view/edit on a file that's associated to ultraedit and you already have ultraedit running, FZ opens the file in the existing window but then immediatly deletes the file.

#412 On remote site: transferred files too big and 0 bytes anonymous

This is my first experience with FileZilla. It was included in the new Kerberos kit for windows distributed by the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Office (HPCMO).

The Kerberos kit is identified at kfw_20030506_setup.exe, and the included version of FileZilla is 2.1.4b.

I am running Kerberos on a Windows 2002 operating system and connecting to a remote DoD HPC site. I have a large file that is 1235774 bytes on my local computer. Actually this file is located on a disk that resides on a Silicon Graphics O200 which is NFS mounted to my PC via Hummingbird Exceed version 8.0. When I transfer this file, it becomes 1228800 bytes big, and FileZilla repeatedly asks if I want to overwrite it. Each time I do, the transfer repeats and the remote copy of the file is the same, overly big size.

For a small file of 7262 bytes in size, the remote copy is 0 bytes long. Again, FileZilla repeats the overwrite prompt several times with the same result.

I have to deal with a firewall and wonder if this has anything to do with having to have certain UDP and/or TCP ports being open. Or it may simply be that I need to set certain parameters. The above behavior occurs whether the transfer type is Auto or Binary.

FileZilla looks like a very slick and intuitive way to deal with protected file transfer, especially with Kerberos. I would really like to be able to use it.

Could you please help?

Thank you, Ed Vaughn


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