Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (343 - 345 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2699 Attach users to multiple groups. Alexander Schuch orcsoul

It was mentioned that the capability to do this is indeed located in the filezilla server source, but is not implemented. However I think having the ability to assign users to more than one group within the server interface would be a very handy capability and streamline the process of setting the server up for those of us with complex directory structures or users that need specific access for short periods of time to other groups.

#2707 Add options to configure display settings Alexander Schuch kaisersose

Note: This is one of a few requests currently posted in the forum (

Add options to configure display settings, as it was implemented in FZ2 (i.e. Edit > Settings > Interface Settings), which was much more extensive than currently implemented in FZ3.

#2714 individual proxy settings for site manager items Alexander Schuch mpupat

Please implement proxy configuration in settings for 3.x as it was in 2.x

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