Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (337 - 339 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#341 Client goes CRAZY!!... anonymous

...when pressing "Process the queue" button while not connected. I got instantly banned from the ftp due to 40 retries a sec. I want the client to start downloading (processing the que) when i get connected

#342 Problems changing directory on remote host anonymous

As an example, we use Novell as our FTP server.

We cannot CD to <server>/<volume>/<path>

Client always seems to remove the second leading slash leaving us with "cd /<server>/<volume>/<path>"

Furthermore, client always appends another / to the end (and, it appears, the beginning) of any directory that doesn't have it. Relative pathing is a good thing (for example, ~ is very handy but doesn't work).

It'd be nice to have a hotkey bound to changing the directory, too.

Aaron aheck@…

#343 upload very slow with no speed limit set anonymous

When uploading a file using FileZilla in my intranet from Win2k to IBM AIX, it takes about 2 minutes to upload a 8MB file. Achieving a 79KB/s throughput.

When using ftp in the MSDOS command prompt, it takes about 3 seconds. However, download files in the same environment only takes about 3 seconds. Upload from Win2k to Win2k machines took 30 seconds with FileZilla while ftp from command prompt took 3 seconds. There is no speed limit set.

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