Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (331 - 333 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5185 fixed Error when dragging folder to Desktop (Windows 7 Professional) Matt Viverette

Windows 7 Professional x64 FileZilla 3.3.1

When dragging and dropping folder from remote SFTP site to the Windows Desktop, I am getting the following error:

Could not determine the target of the Drag&Drop operation. Either the shell extension is not installed properly or you didn't drop the files into an Explorer window.

The operation leaves a remnant folder on my desktop with a random name.

#5194 fixed Settings changes not applied to UI in 3.3.2-rc2 until restart Chris Sutcliffe

Running 3.3.2-rc2, if I make a change to the Settings (i.e. change the Theme), the change does not come in to affect until I restart FileZilla. If I make a change hit 'OK' and go back in to settings, the old value still shows.

#5206 fixed Unable to generate cerificate p

Under SSL/TSL settings, Generate new certificate button is missing presumably because the dialog box is too small to display that button in terms of vertical length.

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.