Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (328 - 330 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5156 fixed "Selected files/folders" counts wrong when using Ctrl+Shift kornodon

When selecting multiple files or folders using Ctrl+Shift in the local or server file browser, the number of Selected files/folders is shown wrong. It seems that the real number of selected files is just added to the previously displayed number of selected files.

Example: Selected 3 files e.g. using Shift (FZ displays "Selected 3 files."). If you go on selecting 2 more files with Ctrl+Shift there are 5 files selected but FZ shows "Selected 8 files." (5 real + 3 form before). Go on selecting 2 more files, FZ shows "Selected 15 files." (7 real + 8 thought from before). And so on..

Version: 3.3.1

(Screenshot attached)

#5164 fixed Accidental single click file renaming Peter

When navigating through folders a single click very often leads to a file or folder renaming. More than that, sometimes when I double click on the folder - it requests this folder's contents AND activates renaming feature, so when it finishes listing new folder - old renaming box stays on the screen, as if now you are renaming a file or a folder inside this new listed folder. If you hit Return - then a file in this new folder will be renamed to the name of a file from a previous folder.

I think it's a high priority bug, since I had to stop using Filezilla completely.

#5172 fixed MAC SnowLeopard & FZ 3.3.1 Resume error Petr Ungern

If Internet connection breaks, any queue breaks too! There is no way to resume that transfer besides closing FZ, restarting, and new uploading then resume works BUT not always sending the file then completely! File broken! Stopping Queue and then starting again gets always an error: ftpcontrolsocket.cpp(1819): Waiting for replies to skip before sending next command... caller=0x10ae028

I would real recommend to add to the Process Queue etc; something like Pause Queue, and Resume Queue, and to secure that if any Internet connection was broken whilst transferring, that after some timeout and Internet connection is resumed transfer is restarting automatically and not as now crash the connection with that ftpcontrolsocket error! Our Internet connection cuts often off and comes back after 1-2 minutes only...

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