Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (325 - 327 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2480 double-click "Do Nothing" option Alexander Schuch whdconsultant

I request that an additional feature be added to the double-click options that causes nothing to occur when a file is double-clicked. Right now, under the Interface Settings tab, you can choose a "File doubleclick action" of Transfer, Open, or Add to queue. "Do nothing" is an option that is supported in most FTP programs I have used.

#2483 Proxy type USER fireID@RemoteID@RemoteHost Alexander Schuch johnlines

Another popular category of FTP proxies uses

USER fireID@RemoteID@RemoteHost

and then sends the password as FirePass@RemotePass

Please consider adding this - which would be simpler than the more general 1209840 proxy config feature request (which would also solve this)

#2504 Command line - no Site Manager Alexander Schuch b_switzer

Could you please, if appropriate command line arguments are provided, NOT pop up Site Manager.

A side effect of which is it is off trying to connect, and failing, but one has to have the presence of mind to kill the site manager in order to get to the stop symbol.

Or, provide an option that avoids Site Manager (letting one immediately to Quick Connect).

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