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Results (322 - 324 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5100 fixed Portuguese Translation - suggested correction Sergio Abreu

I had problems due to a bad translated item in the Portuguese language because the term used to translate the act of "entering a directory" (In portuguese up to now shows "Inserir diretório" - what is wrong in my oppinion) means "insert" and entering is one thing and inserting is another very different thing.

The way it is now ("Inserir diretório") suggests that clicking the folder, a NEW SUB DIRECTORY will be created inside the folder instead of opening it.

IMHO the best translation for the act of "entering/browsing a directory/folder" would be "Entrar no diretório" that means to "Go into the directory".

This words "Inserir diretório" must be changed, this expression is only valid when you are CREATING a sub directory not when you are just browsing it.

The correct translation for this item is "Entrar no diretório"

#5118 fixed Ctrl+Tab(key) only cycles between tabs when the local/remote path fields have focus Clarence Risher

Pressing TAB cycles the keyboard focus between the UI elements of the screen, including the Quickconnect toolbar, Local site and Remote site paths, directory trees, and file lists.

Pressing CTRL+TAB should change tabs, but instead it functions the same as TAB, until/unless the focus is currently on the Local site or Remote site path fields, at which point it functions normally until focus changes.

#5126 fixed Unable to login to the site subhakanta

Hi Earlier,

One of my user is able to connect to one site through filezilla.But some days back when my network engineer did a change in routing.He is unable to connect to it.

However i am able to connect to the site from same office with freshly installed filezilla.Is there any option to clean the old value stored in users pc.I have uninstalled and reinstalled filezilla in the user pc but still no luck.

Regards sk

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