Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (307 - 309 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1584 site management anonymous

Make the ability to move sites from one subfolder to another in the site manager.

#5669 outdated site list needs to scroll when taller than screen lynn

I have a LOT of sites in the site manager. When I pop down the list with the down arrow, it rolls off the bottom of the screen. It needs to determine the screen dimensions and turn on a scroll bar when the list is too long to show.

#1708 fixed site bookmarks embeejay

It would be nice to be able to bookmark different directories on a site, so you didn't have to browse around a large server every time to get from your the login folder to one of the many different folders you always use.


login folder could be the users home directory which he often needs to access, and thus have set up as default.

but same user could often be working in other directories far away in the directory structure. if he could bookmark this he could navigate the server fast and easy instead of as now slow and cumbersome.

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