Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (304 - 306 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#9253 wontfix Malware download from sourceforge Vlado

I'm trying to download FileZilla client from and my ESET Endpoint Antivirus warns me about threat: Object: Threat: variant of Win32/InstallCore.IO possibly unwanted application

I tried to download other software from SF (ie: Apcupsd UPS control software, KeePass, Adminer, ...) and it seems this behavior is FileZilla client specific.

#3231 Fail to get desktop path vix123

Trying to open the Desktop folder produces the message "Failed to get desktop path".

Although the path for my desktop and my documents have been altered, their locations are properly set in the registry and Filezilla can access the "my documents" folder without problems.

Filezilla should not try to get the desktop by following the %USERPROFILE%\Desktop route but it should get the path from the registry.

#772 Spelling error in Russian version vitaliymarenkov

There are: Transfer / File overerite settings / Resume in Russian version called "@>?CAB8BL" (Propustit') It is wrong!

Resume -> @>4>;68BL (Prodolzhyt')

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