Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (301 - 303 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12378 rejected Couldn't browse remote directory which had a space on the end of the directory name Mr Robert D Taylor

I could not change into this directory. After SSHing into my server, I saw that the directory had a trailing space on the name.

Renaming the directory to remove the trailing space allowed FileZilla client to access the directory.

#12376 outdated Latest FileZilla Pro 3.52.2 crashing new Alan

The new 3.52.2 version is crashing when uploading to dropbox. I never had any problems with 3.51 and have uploaded over 2TB of Data with no problems. The new version randomly crashes at different times. I've also tried reinstalling. Is there any chance you can send me a link to download the older FileZilla Pro 3.51 again until there's a fix?

#12374 rejected Updates settings do not work Allan Hall

In Filezilla settings, setting check for updates to never has no effect. It will still check and still show when new versions are available.

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