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Results (298 - 300 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#362 received filesize is a little bit smaller than that on serve anonymous

When Download a Large File suppose a file on server have size as (say) 20822112 but the d/l one will be (say) 20818104

It needs resume for the file can be fully d/l

#363 I can't see file and directory list! anonymous

I use filezilla 2.1.8 and very thanks to your application.

In my work, I try connect the server - SunOS myct 5.8 Generic_108528-13 sun4us - and successfuly connect. But, I can't see any file and directory. Of course, there are files and directories.

#364 Problem with NFS-mounted computers lafitteb

FileZilla has a problem to expand paths of NFS-mounted computers. Please see the following mail for details:

At 14:07 2003/07/01 +0200, you wrote:

Hi Anders, Ok when I use the Command Prompt to download the file there is no problem ! However, using my FTP client "FileZilla" it is as I said in my previous email... It is not working with files located in nmrpc0. When I click on nmrpc0 (path being /usr/people/polymer/nmrdata/) my FTP client put me under the patch "/polymer/nmr/" !

The path should have been /nmrpc0/data/polymer/nmr so the problem is probably that your ftp-program does not properly expand the /usr/people/polymer/nmrdata/ symbolic link to that path. In short, I think it is a bug.

Maybe FileZilla works if you connect to /nmrpc0/data/polymer/nmr instead? That path should not have to be expanded the same way since the backup computer is NFS-mounted on /nmrpc0/data.

Or use another ftp-program.


This problem was found in other FTP clients like smartFTP. Two FTP clients which work without problems: FTP-voyager and CoreFTP

REgards, /Ben

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