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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3587 "Dropping" a file on an area next to a folder st8st8

Version, Win XP

When uploading a file, I drag it from the local folder into the upload folder. If I drop it in a space in the same row as a subfolder in the remote site window, the file goes into that subfolder.

I believe it should go in the current folder as putting it in the subfolder has undesirable consequences - uploading to a folder with lots of subfolders and maybe one file becomes tricky, and its easy to upload files to random subfolders without realising.

#8115 invalid "ETIMEDOUT - Connection attempt timed out". Hhickman@…


I have been trying to logon to FileZilla since friday but I keep getting the message "ETIMEDOUT - Connection attempt timed out". My host is

I update to the most recent version but am still receiving the message.

Could you please look into what is hapenning.


#4342 outdated "Econnrefused" Message Brian Morgan

I upgraded today and got a "ECONNREFUSED" message. Connection refused by server. This is a first for me, so I had to do it the harder way.

I have Zone Alarm, but it's never stopped it before. My PC is running home edition XP.

Here's an image of the problem


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