Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1972 fixed auto-open directory on single click (local) bigredlinux

Currently in filezilla, when you click on a remote directory in the treeview, it opens the directory in the file list pane and expands the directory in the treeview. If you do this on the local treeview, it only opens the directory in the file list pane and does NOT expand the directory in the treeview. This is both an inconsistency and a nuisence (or to be more positive, it would be great if it worked this way ;)

#1973 fixed FileZilla Server -- IP Access Rules anonymous

I looked through the feature requests and I didn't see this mentioned before...

This request has two subsets:

First, IP access rules that allow IP banning, including IP range banning. Secondly, add configurable rules that allow the server to auto-ban IPs when certain conditions occur (such as hammering, too many connections, x number of failed logins, etc).

These are the only two issues that are preventing me from using this server on a regular basis. Thanks!

#1980 fixed Systray icon changes lostnihilist

It would be nice if the filezilla client and server icons were different, that way when both are minimized to the systray they can easily be distinguished. (maybe just adding an S to the FZ for the server icon?). Also, it would be nice if the client icon changed depending on its connected state as well, maybe red for not connected, yellow for connected but not transferring files, and green for transfer in progress. not major issues, but something that shouldn't be too difficult to do, no?

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