Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (247 - 249 of 8171)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#2067 Alexander Schuch ocyl Maintain Letter Case for Folder Names

It would be great if the FileZilla Team can add an option that will allow us to keep folder names "as is" during transfer. Right now, FileZilla always forces folder names to lowercase, and those of us who like to use capital/uppercase letters for the first letter of folder names have to change it manually at all times.

Thanks in advance =)

#2174 cybot_tm outdated simultaneous (synchronous) directory change (directory "follow me")

with an option in the toolbar enabled

the remote folder should change simultan when i change the local folder, and vice versa

with relative paths

for example:

local folder: c:\htodcs\web\images

remote: \www\domain\images

changing localy to: '..\' would result in:

c:\htodcs\web \www\domain

and changing localy to: 'images\thumbs' would result in:

c:\htodcs\web\images\thumbs /www/domain/images/thumbs

#2205 mcblakeslee wontfix Configurable Logfile directory path and filename

Would like to be able to define the directory path for the logfile(s) rather than defaulting to "Logs" under the install directory. Additionally, define the template for the filename(s). The template substitutions might be as follows:

%Y - 4 digit year %y - 2 digit year %m - 2 digit month %d - 2 digit day of month %w - 2 digit week of month

Example template - my_ftp_logfile_%Y%m%d.log

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