Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (244 - 246 of 8171)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#1903 arimicci File trim on resume

An option to trim files of certain amount of KB before resuming them, to avoid corruption caused by junk in last bytes of latest failed data stream.

#1970 tahattmeruh No LAN Access

I'm connected to a remote computer and want to transfer a file directly to a remote share. In the treeview, I can only see local disks. If I enter \serversharedirectory, FileZilla says "The path you have entered could not be found". Please change FileZilla so that I could browse the local LAN or I can enter the path directly.


#2051 Tim Kosse samcollett outdated HTML Help (CHM) File

The HTML Help files do outline all of the features of Filezilla but can still be improved. For instance, the version history only goes up to Version 2.1.6 (2002-04-18). This could be updated from the readme file. Although not necessary, it would be good if the screenshots were updated to reflect the latest version.

To save time, perhaps people could attach screenshots to this request? Proxy settings screenshot attached (v2.2.5; the one in the help file is out of date).

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