Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (232 - 234 of 8171)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#1324 oruehl Site Manager - Doesn't remember size of window

If you have a large number of sites you can resize the window of the Site Manager, but the problem is that Filezilla does not remember that I've resized the Site Manager.

So each time I open the Site Manager i need to resize the window to see all my connections / folders at a glance.

See screenshot

#1423 carolineb Port number not saving in site manager?

I have multiple clients using Filezilla to connect to our FTP site--my company recommends the program to them. We have had a few clients experience problems when setting up a site manager profile for our site, which needs to be accessed on port number 990. The port number does not seem to save when they exit the site manager, even though all the other settings are saved. Are they doing something wrong, or is this a bug?

#1538 Tim Kosse anonymous More control of file transfer

I've seen other softwares doing this, is it possible to control the transfer speed, both download and upload? This feature already exist in LeechFTP, NetAnts, GoZilla, FlashGet, etc.

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