Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (379 - 381 of 8171)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#4881 Hans F. Nordhaug rejected Downloading failes, not renaming - charset issue (iso-8859-1)

First of all: I have read and you could reject this request simply based on the fact that UTF-8 isn't used. However, please read on.

The problem is that renaming works, but downloading fails. I would have understood if both failed. This inconsistent behavior seems strange and is a bug in my view.

The server is a CentOS 4.7 with OpenSSH 3.9p1. It's using iso-8859-1 as default charset. When FileZilla connects, it deactivates UTF-8 (because the output of the ls command contains illegal characters I guess - a test file named "æøå.txt"). When I try to download the file "æøå.txt", it fails:

Command: get "æøå.txt" "C:\Documents and Settings\Hans\Desktop\æøå.txt"
Error:	/home/hans/æøå.txt: open for read: no such file or directory

However, renaming works:

Command: mv "æøå.txt" "æøa.txt"
Status:	/home/hans/æøå.txt -> /home/hans/æøa.txt

It's probably my lack of knowledge when it comes to the SFTP protocol, that makes this behavior weird to me.

Thanks for your time and effort - FileZilla is great!

Regards, Hans

#4883 renaud duplicate file exists action : label and action seems doesn't match

In transfert > Default action if file exist > if i choose replace if modification date or size is different > the program ask me to change name for each file (I.E rename file action (if file exist)) seems to be the same for each action. If i choose date or size matching it's not working any more

#4891 pixeline outdated Overwrite rule keeps asking for confirmation

I've set my preferences for up/download to : overwrite if file is newer/filesize is different.

Why then does filezilla, since 3.8, keeps asking me for confirmation/filename change before overwriting? He knows the rule, he knows what i want. Why ask then? Really annoying when transferring a folder with 1K+ items in it.

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