Opened 13 years ago

#7237 new Feature request

Upload to Temporary Filename

Reported by: BurninLeo Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: php, upload, temporary Cc:
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:



I would like to recommend a feature to upload files using a temporary filename and thn rename the files after the queue is completed.

Okay, this sounds a bit strange at first glance. So let me explain why this feature would be very worthy: I have a PHP web application that is used nearly 24h a day. Whenever fixing a bug or uploading a new subversion, PHP uses the incomplete files and - consequently - the script crashes.

If a file would be uploaded to a temporary name, first, and then replace the original file in a second step, there would be no incomplete files in the program structure. If this was possible for whole queues, even the time when there are files from different program version, could be reduced by about 95%.

I admit that for citical systems, one would upload the whole application into a temporary folder and then rename the folder manually. However, for most not-so-critical applications, the upload-to-temp would be very helpful. For citical systems the manual step (provoking handling errors) would become superfluous.

Thank you

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