Opened 2 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#12638 closed Bug report (outdated)

FileZilla client creates directory with non-valid names

Reported by: MoopMeep Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc:
Component version: 3.7.3 Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: windows 10 10.0.19042.1415


using filezilla to download directories from a openVMS system.
The OpenVMS system has a directory named "CON".
filezilla creates a directory in windows called "CON" when I ftp the directory but it causes issue since this is an invalid directory name.
Explorer wouldn't do anything when I tried to delete the 'CON' directory, cmd.exe gave an 'access is denied' when I would try to remove the directory.
Checking security and trying to do anything on the folder that was created would just result in various errors about access denied, unexpected error, undetermined error etc.
Researching I found that there certain keywords that are not allowed to be used as directory names and "CON" is one of those.
I was able to eventually remove the directory but I had to search around to find a specific rd command to do this as the other options (rd, rmdir, explorer) wouldn't remove the directory.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Tim Kosse, 2 years ago

Resolution: outdated
Status: newclosed

You have to update to the most recent version of FileZilla. Outdated versions are not supported.

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